24, 2003
things we're thankful for
That glimmer of hope you get each time you buy a
50/50 ticket.
There's no BCS, contract holdouts, or threat of a lockout.
RPI's Puck Man.
E-mailers from across the continent who aren't afraid to keep us honest.
Pep bands in the bleachers.
That fans in Minneapolis, Boston, East Lansing and Madison are rallying
around special college hockey programs in Canton, Colorado Springs, Potsdam
and Troy.
The magic of satellite television and TiVo, making the world of college
hockey that much smaller.
Cities like Buffalo that welcome college hockey with open arms and make
us want to stay and play all summer.
Seeing Wayne Gretzky grin from ear to ear like a little kid as he skated
on to the Commonwealth Stadium ice sheet for Saturday's Heritage Classic
old-timers game.
• The fact that the all-time single-game hockey attendance record
still belongs to a college game.
Teams that prove us wrong, like Ferris State last year and Maine or St.
Cloud State this year.
Teams that prove us right.