23, 2005
Twleve Things We're Thankful For
• Discovering a great college
sweater on eBay.
• The buzz that builds through
a rink when a rival's score flashes on the corner scoreboard.
• Miami's Goggin Ice Arena,
and intermission walks through the crowd.
• An elbows-down, from-the-front,
open-ice hit that doesn't have you instinctively looking to
the ref to see if there was a call.
• College hockey on the dish.
• Suddenly remembering the answer
to that previously unanswerable trivia question your buddy
posed midway through the first period.
• Those rare games — Sunday
afternoons, Tuesday evenings — that make the week go
just a little faster.
• Watching your team successfully
kill a 5-on-3 power play.
• Bartenders who don't look
at you like you've got two heads when you ask for channel
• Chuck-a-Puck.
• A weekend on campus during
which you can catch hockey games on Friday and Saturday nights
and a football game on Saturday afternoon.
• Being at the rink the night
a fourth-line, walk-on forward scores his first career goal.