January 21, 2008
Ten College Hockey Chuck Norris Facts

• Jeff Zatkoff grew tired of shutting out all his opponents. So in the very next game, he held the other team to minus-2.

• Tyler Burton is actually 11-feet-6, but shrinks his entire body by 50 percent during the hockey season to keep things fair.

• St. Cloud State officials wanted to change the name of the university to St. Lasch State, but Lasch politely declined. He cited an instance when he said, "Gosh darn it," after one of his shots hit the post and thus deemed himself unfit for sainthood.

• Ryan Cruthers once scored a game-winning goal on assists from Ryan Cruthers and Ryan Cruthers. When the official scorer said that wasn't possible, Ryan Cruthers told him to look in the rule book ... where he found nothing except a picture of Ryan Cruthers.

• How did Clarkson get home from Sunday night's game at Cornell when a 45-mile stretch of Interstate-81 was closed due to lake effect snow? Nick Dodge. That's how.

• In a compromise to the ongoing legal tussle regarding North Dakota's nickname and imagery, the school offered to change its icon to an image of Ryan Duncan's head, but that was deemed to be hostile and abusive to opposing goalies.

• Tony Romo took a vacation to Mexico with his girlfriend during an off week. James van Reimsdyk took a vacation with his girlfriend to Tahiti between periods.

• Kevin Porter is so good under pressure that 911 calls him.

• An Air Force Academy instructor asked Eric Ehn about advanced missile defense systems, and Ehn rolled up his sleeves.

• Nathan Gerbe doesn't ask for directions in Boston. He goes to where he feels his destination should be and expects it to meet him there, and calls that place Pimp Street.

Old Napkins:
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