31, 2008
Caption This: What Is J-P Doing?

• "Yeah, whatever
Genoway. This is for all those slappers that buzzed
my ears during practice."
• He's wearing green,
he's in Wisconsin — must be the Lamoureux Leap.
• J-P Lamoureux fulfills
a promise to his high school track and field coach by
pole-vaulting himself into the celebration following
North Dakota's win.
• Contrary to the belief
held by opposing fans, the entire North Dakota lineup
CAN'T fit through Lammy's five-hole.
• What better way to celebrate
another trip to the Frozen Four than with a tradtional
Russian Cossack dance?
• "Check this out,
guys. I learned this from Carl Edwards."
• After winning the Midwest
Regional in overtime, J-P Lamoureux immediately asked
himself, "What would Brian Boitano do, if he were
here right now?"
The rest is up to you. Send
us an e-mail ( with
your submissions, subject line "Cocktail Napkin:
Caption This" and we'll add them throughout the
Note: The following
submissions are presented as they were received. Spelling,
punctuation, and grammatical errors are those of the
participants and not the responsibility of Inside College
Hockey. All submissions have been published, but the
names of the senders have been withheld.
• Holy Leaping Lamoureux Batman!
North Dakota is in the Frozen Four!
• Tucked game puck in pants for
safe keeping...boy is that sucker cold!
• Martians are trying to beam
J-P up...not to probe him but because there are no decent
goaltenders on Mars.
• Knows pro scouts are watching...thinks
vertical leap is part of NHL combine.
• Although scientists disagree
on its effectiveness, each spring, instinct compels
goalies to perform the 'mating dance of the netminders'
• Since childhood, has been afraid
of the water...just learned what ice is made of.
• Is thinking "this will
confuse the heck out of those guys at INCH"
• Come see UND's new hit musical:
Crouching Goalie, Hidden Sioux
• Gymkata!
• "Hey guys, look what I
can do with a regular stick, instead of that big old
goalie stick!"
• Jean-Phillipe Lamoureux carried
the Fighting Sioux on his back through the NCAA regional
in Madison. Once the team finally hopped off after an
OT victory against Wisconsin, the removal of excess
weight caused J-P to spring wildly into the air, and
nearly remove defenseman Chay Genoway's left kidney.
• After an amazing overtime win
against the Badgers, Fighting Sioux goalie Jean-Phillipe
Lamoureux pays homage to legendary martial arts super-weapon
Chuck Norris by displaying a spectacular flying roundhouse
kick. Given his accomplishments in net over the weekend,
one wonders if somehow J-P was channeling Chuck Norris
against Princeton and Wisconsin.
• Just ridin the bull, doing the
happy dance! Woooo!
• Its called: I just owned this
regional and I can do whatever the heck I want to!
• "I told you I could leap
over Duncan, now where is Joe"
• Unfortunately, after facing
43 shots, Lamareaux was stuck in the butterfly position.
• JPL breaks out a new gem from
dance choreographer, Homer Simpson.
• "Hey guys, if we win our
Eighth National Championship this year, I'll try to
jump over (Joe) Finley's stick."
• Apparently J-P didn't see the
"caution ice may be slippery" sign.
• While attempting to carry J-P
off the ice North Dakota players find themselves asking
"Where'd you go, Lamoureux?"
• Celebrating the 'Yotes Signing
of Kyle Turris
• Hop on guys and lets ride the
stick to Denver
• Phil is auditioning for a new
hit reality show "Dancing with the Stars, On Ice!"
• Just trying to get my five-hole
as big as Frazee's during last year's regional...
• With all of the pressure of
the game, J.P. forgot about St. Patrick's Day, and once
he remembered, he tried to make up for the lost time.
• Attributing the win to being
a Fighting Sioux, he decided to celebrate with a traditional
Sioux dance.
• "You put your whole self
in. You put your whole self out. You put your whole
self in and you shake it all about. You do the hockey
puckey and you turn yourself about. That's what it's
all about!"
• Genoway to Lamoreaux: "Dude,
you've been in the zone all season, just...go celebrate
elsewhere until we win it all." Lamoreuax then
falls over backwards.
• "I know we pulled this
win out of our ass, but that's just ridiculous there
J-P. Show off."
• "Risking almost certain
groin injury, Lamoureux attempts to become the first
player to see the top of Joe Finley's Helmet."
• "Lammy is trying to prove
to the drunk Sioux fans that he is almost as tough and
good as Kangas"
• Giddy-Up- I've heard there are
lots of horses in Denver and I've always wanted a pony
• After ten minutes of stomping
on his stick, JP gives up trying to convince the rest
of the guys that a $50 wood stick is still more durable
than a $200 composite one.
• Jean-Phillipe just has to start
dancing when they play "Cotton-Eye Joe" on
the PA
• Upon winning the Madison Regional,
JPL favorite song plays in his head "If it hadn't
been for Cotton-Eyed Joe ......."
• What is J-P saying? "C'mon
Arianna… It's time for THE PERFECT CHEER!"